Blue Spinel–Flame Fusion

This was my first exercise in using this lab created material. Polishing, while still maintaining calibration, proved to be quite the challenge.
Because I’m dealing with expensive equipment and materials, I’ve always been hesitant to go to the studio if I’ve had a “bad” day or I’m otherwise not in the “right frame of mind”.
While doing this stone, I challenged myself to work on it even (especially) at times when I didn’t feel like it. I said a lot of bad words, thought about giving up completely – figured I wasn’t cut out for it, I even gouged one of my polishing disks while tweaking in one of the facets and applying too much pressure ($180.00 lesson in polishing).
But I pursued and I’m glad I did. I’m a better person after this exercise and definitely a better gem cutter. Oh, and the stone turned out pretty good, too!



Blue Spinel
Material: Flame Fusion
Cut: SRB
Weight: 1.26 ct
Size: 6.95mm

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